Song Jixin Profile

Song Jixin, born in 1965 in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, graduated from School of Art of Fushun Teachers College, and completed a course in Chinese Artists Association’s traditional Chinese painting senior seminar. He was taught by Chinese famous graphic artist professor Zhao Jinghuan ...

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Engraving  shows
动物-4.33x90cm.woodcut.jpg 人物-2Fan-1-60x120cm-woodcut.jpg 人物-1Antiquity-book-1-180x60cm-woodcut.jpg Undulate Birds-8 60x120cm  wood cut.jpg Ox 23x34cm Woodcut Song Ji-Xin China.jpg Lion 23x34cm Woodcut Song Ji-Xin China.jpg Dog 23x34cm Woodcut Song Ji-Xin China.jpg Big-Brids-No-48-60x90cm-wood-cut.jpg
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